Kalimat Expression of Like and Dislike: Enhancing Your Indonesian Language Skills

Indonesian language is rich in expressions that allow individuals to convey their feelings of liking or disliking something. Mastering these kalimat expressions can greatly enhance your language skills and help you communicate more effectively in various situations. In this article, we will explore a range of expressions for expressing likes and dislikes in a relaxed Indonesian manner.

Expressions of Like

1. Saya suka…

Saya suka is the most common way to express that you like something. It can be followed by a noun, verb, or even an activity. For example, “Saya suka makanan Indonesia” (I like Indonesian food) or “Saya suka bermain sepak bola” (I like playing soccer).

2. Aku cinta…

Aku cinta is a more intense way of expressing liking towards something or someone. It is equivalent to saying “I love…” in English. For instance, “Aku cinta musik jazz” (I love jazz music) or “Aku cinta kamu” (I love you).

3. Gue demen…

Gue demen is an informal expression commonly used among friends to indicate that you really like something. It is similar to saying “I’m really into…” in English. For example, “Gue demen nonton film horor” (I’m really into watching horror movies).

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Expressions of Dislike

1. Saya tidak suka…

Saya tidak suka is the straightforward way to express that you dislike something. It is followed by a noun, verb, or activity. For instance, “Saya tidak suka hujan” (I don’t like rain) or “Saya tidak suka bermain olahraga” (I don’t like playing sports).

2. Aku benci…

Aku benci is a stronger expression of dislike. It is equivalent to saying “I hate…” in English. For example, “Aku benci makanan pedas” (I hate spicy food) or “Aku benci kebohongan” (I hate lies).

3. Gue nggak suka…

Gue nggak suka is an informal way to express dislike, commonly used among friends. It is similar to saying “I don’t like…” in English. For instance, “Gue nggak suka tidur larut malam” (I don’t like staying up late).

Expressions of Indifference

1. Biasa aja…

Biasa aja is used to express a neutral feeling or indifference towards something. It can be translated as “It’s just okay” or “Nothing special.” For example, “Film ini biasa aja” (This movie is just okay).

2. Nggak terlalu suka…

Nggak terlalu suka is used to express a mild dislike or lack of strong preference towards something. It is similar to saying “I don’t really like…” in English. For instance, “Aku nggak terlalu suka minum kopi” (I don’t really like drinking coffee).

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3. Sama aja…

Sama aja is used to express that you feel indifferent or don’t have a preference between two options. It can be translated as “It’s the same” in English. For example, “Bagi saya, makan di restoran atau warung makan sama aja” (For me, eating at a restaurant or a street food stall is the same).


Mastering kalimat expressions of like and dislike is essential for effective communication in Indonesian. Whether you want to express your preferences or indicate your indifference, these expressions will help you convey your feelings accurately. Remember to choose the appropriate expression based on the level of intensity you want to convey. Practice using these expressions in conversations to enhance your Indonesian language skills and connect with others on a deeper level.

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